Nesting Across Difference
Uroboros is an annual festival for artistic and design research inquiries into more-than-human ecologies and relations. Attending to ‘more-than-human’ as involving both multispecies nature and algorithmic agencies, Uroboros provides a co-creative space for practice-based investigations of contemporary social, technological, and environmental conditions.
The festival aims to serve as a common ground for collective experimentation rather than a showcase stage. Interested authors are invited to test new formats and methods, propose provocations, and bring forward ideas they might not have shared before. Instead of setting a fixed curatorial framing, the annual festival emerges from several streams of co-creative activities — Uroboros Loops — organised with various contributors throughout the year. The year-long process of co-shaping the festival’s theme, format, and program with researchers and practitioners from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds is as important as the festival itself.
Through these open-ended and relational ways of curating, Uroboros aims to cultivate an interdisciplinary environment for experimental inquiries into the existing as well as imagined conditions of more-than-human coexistence.

Snake peek

Meet Uroborossssss
The long-term Uroboros program aims to nurture a globally distributed network of contributors interested in exploring the possible shapes of artistic & design research inquiry into more-than-human relationalities and tensions.