Markéta Dolejšová

Markéta is a practice-based researcher experimenting with co-creative, embodied and sensory experiences, often in multispecies contexts. Her recent work has focused on ferality and feral eco~systems, exploring what relations, intuitions, and ways of knowing can emerge in the liminal spaces between the wild and the domesticated, the familiar and unknown, the serendipitous and intentional. She is also an Assistant Professor at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where she acts as the Head of the Doctoral Research Department, and is finishing her postdoctoral research fellowship at Aalto University – School of Arts, Design and Architecture (2020-24). She co-founded several art & design research initiatives, including the Uroboros festival, the Open Forest Collective, the Feeding Food Futures network, and the Fermentation GutHub. In 2020-22, she worked with the CreaTures – Creative Practices for Transformational Futures, where she led the Laboratory of Experimental Productions and co-researched the role of the arts in fostering eco-social change.